Objective Build H white

An effective building application management platform

Helping the construction sector and local government thrive.

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Making it easier for architects, designers and builders to obtain approvals for buildings and developments

Injecting consistency, transparency, quality and efficiency into the building application and assessment process will help create high-quality buildings, support housing construction and drive social and economic outcomes for their communities.


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Deliver a quality and timely service with a single set of rules for applications and a consistent process for review.

For Designers and Builders

With a simple platform used for all applications, designers and builders could see all their work across the state; and the status of any application, anywhere.

For Councils

Ingesting complete and consistent data means councils know exactly what they’ll receive and can set their teams up to support the process more effectively. Effective resource allocation will mean timely inspections and reduced rework, helping to minimise costs and improve processing times.

It's all about helping the industry get started faster.


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Make confident decisions based on full knowledge. We are working to create crystal clear views across each element of the process.

For architects

Visibility over the process at all times means you can keep clients up to date on progress, and prepare any RFI responses immediately, rather than waiting until the end of the assessment process. Ultimately, saving you and your clients, time.

For builders

Plan your projects and contractors, know what changes are acceptable, or not and know when inspections are scheduled.

For councils

Visibility of the overall process will show the pipeline of work ahead allowing you to meet your obligations for each application.


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To create safe, warm homes with great quality construction, building designs must meet the regulations. The right products & solutions can help.

Compliance with regulations

When applications meet requirements, designers and architects receive less queries from council and the path to approval is expedited.

With the right information provided at the outset, councils have greater confidence in the application and can work through validation faster.

Continuous improvement through computer vision and machine learning

Applications are constantly improved by re-using the data from prior approved applications and guiding applicants through the process. This ensures applicants know what’s required, the ultimate result; higher quality homes.


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When a single day's delay can cost millions, making the process more efficient is a priority.

Automation saves time throughout the process

As applications are submitted, forms are pre-filled removing the need for applicants to type in data. And applicants are alerted to any incomplete information, eliminating delays from the very beginning.

Templates give architects the ability to re-use designs; ideal for developments with multiple dwellings.

Visibility drives improvements

Clear visibility of the time taken to complete each step in the process, by whom and when, highlights improvement opportunities. This data can help everyone in the approvals process improve their performance.

What's new in Objective Build

Explore the latest feature releases in Objective Build

Who's Involved?

Representatives from across the industry are contributing to the vision for Objective Build, helping to create a transformational approvals platform.

Council Representatives

Representatives from 9 councils across New Zealand meet monthly as part of our Strategic Working Group. In addition, almost 25 councils have contributed feedback.


Ongoing consultation with applicants; from group home builders to boutique architects, reinforces their desire for a consistent system to manage applications.

The Objective Team

A team of world-class developers and subject matter experts with decades of experience in Building, Processing & Inspections form the design and engineering team bringing Objective Build to life.

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Logo western bay of plenty district council
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Features designed for consistency, transparency, quality and efficiency

Transforming processes so that our industry can work smarter, not harder.

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Consistent Application Process

One view and a single process across councils. Applicants will be able to see any of their applications, with any council, within the one platform.

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Machine Learning

Specific algorithms, having learnt from hundreds of other applications, make sure applicants know up front what is required of them.

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Templating & Reuse

Re-use information by creating templates for specific application types. Copy from prior applications and reuse data to speed up the process.

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Reporting Dashboards

Simple, easy to use dashboards for both individuals and organisations, allow you to see where all applications are in the process and more.

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RFI Management

Minimise RFIs by getting high quality applications initially. And specialised tools designed to make it easier to manage information requests.

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Document Management

Specialist tools are built into the process to tag, annotate & merge documentations, making it easy for applicants to see exactly what documents Councils require.

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Notification Centre

Be notified when something changes or action is required, send information & be assured that council has received it. Know exactly where an application is at any time.

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User & Permissions Management

Re-use contact information, save contacts for later into a library, manage an entire organisation's access and applications easily.

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Img banner customer central hawkes bay district council video
Logo Central Hawkes Bay District Council

Objective Build provides a more seamless process for our customers, its easier, more intuitive and faster.

Josh Lloyd

Community, Infrastructure & Development Manager, Central Hawkes Bay District Council

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Product Brief

Objective Build

The complete applicant engagement platform improving the consenting process in New Zealand.

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4 key features you must have in your applicant engagement platform

Not all building consent portals for lodging plans were created equal. Objective Build has key features you won't find in other portals.

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Blog Post

Improving transparency in Objective Build

Making it easier for applicants & councils to see what's happening on applications.

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All resources for Objective Build
Objective Build H white

A complete approvals platform

Ensure consistency, quality, transparency and time savings for everyone involved in the development process.

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