Enhancing Consultation Processes with Objective Keyplan's Reporting Capability

Effective communication and engagement are vital components of a successful consultation. Local Planning Authorities constantly seek efficient ways to gather public opinion and feedback on various initiatives. Objective Keyplan, a powerful tool, offers a comprehensive reporting capability that enables planners to easily monitor the status of their consultations, analyse community sentiment, track representations and team workload, and provide timely responses to comments.

Streamlined Status Updates:

Objective Keyplan's reporting capability provides planners with a holistic view of their consultation status through various reports. The submission report allows stakeholders to quickly assess the number of representations received, ensuring that no feedback is overlooked. The consultee report provides valuable insights into the responses received from stakeholders, enabling decision-makers to understand the perspectives and concerns of the community. Furthermore, the further submissions report helps planners track any additional feedback or updates throughout the consultation period. These reports offer a concise and up-to-date overview, allowing stakeholders to stay informed and make informed decisions.

Real-time Access to Powerful Reports:

With Objective Keyplan's real-time reporting, stakeholders gain immediate access to powerful reports, enabling them to gauge the community mood and identify key themes and trends. The ability to analyse community sentiment in real-time is invaluable when it comes to making data-driven decisions. By understanding the pulse of public opinion, stakeholders can effectively address concerns, adapt strategies, and build trust with the community. The availability of real-time reports ensures that planners are always up to date and can respond promptly to issues or changing sentiments.

Efficient Representations and Workload Management:

Tracking and managing comments can be a daunting task, particularly in large-scale consultations. Objective Keyplan simplifies this process by providing a centralised platform to monitor all representations both manual and digital. Planners can easily track the progress of each submission, ensuring that all feedback is reviewed and considered. Additionally, the tool allows for efficient workload management by providing insights into the team's workload. This feature ensures that consultee responses are promptly addressed, enhancing efficiency and productivity throughout the consultation process.

Objective Keyplan's reporting capability streamlines the consultation process by providing planners with comprehensive reports, real-time access to data, and powerful sentiment analysis tools. With the ability to easily monitor consultation status, analyse community sentiment, track representations and team workload, and provide timely responses, Local Planning Authorities can enhance stakeholder engagement and make informed planning decisions. By leveraging Objective Keyplan's reporting capability, the consultation process becomes more efficient, transparent, and reflective of the community's needs and aspirations.

Try Objective Keyplan and start streamlining the consultation process with access to powerful reports. Get in touch.