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Antony Bauer

Antony Bauer
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The Future of Public Sector Information Management with Generative AI

Key areas of information management that public sector organisation should consider for AI.

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Navigating the complexities of information governance in an evolving landscape

Future-proofing the public sector amidst rapid change

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Creating order from chaos amidst the information explosion - insights from CIO survey

For CIOs, the greatest risk is loss of control over information. This was a key concern for many of the CIOs who participated in our survey.

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Staying ahead of the ever-changing security threat - insights from CIO survey

CIOs told us the growing security threat was one of their top challenges as they balance security with access to information.

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New study finds most CIOs are cloud-ready, but integration is proving challenging

The pressure to deliver increased flexibility, greater agility and faster implementation continues to rise.

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Why you need a holistic approach to modern information management

Originally published in RIMPA's IQ Magazine: Learn how this approach ultimately provides stronger outcomes and services to the community.

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