OBJ GOV365 H White

Frictionless collaboration with enhanced governance

Confidently embrace Microsoft Teams with the knowledge that information and context is captured as a corporate record.

Enhanced governance for Microsoft Teams

In developing a modern and productive workplace, organisations are challenged with how they can maintain strong information governance and compliance while delivering flexibility and improved collaboration. Many organisations are looking to Microsoft Teams to provide advanced collaboration and want to avoid creating yet another information silo.

The combination of Objective Gov365 and Microsoft Teams delivers a modern, collaborative workplace where team members can be confident of quality, trusted and intelligent information that is actionable within a secure environment.

Govern the entire Teams lifecycle

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Govern the entire Teams lifecycle

Addresses every stage in the lifecycle of a Team, while ensuring content and actions are audited.

Retain long term corporate knowledge

Ensure that all files and conversations are captured for long term retention of corporate IP. Provide retrospective and proactive governance while maintaining your ‘single source of truth.'

Team creation and finalisation

Control the creation of a Team, including standard naming conventions, request and approval processes.

Surface valuable information

Surface and aggregate your EDRMS content within the Microsoft Teams interface, that is relevant to the specific project.

User experience

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User experience

Powerful functionality is delivered through the Microsoft Teams interface with governance in the background.

Making governance easy

Effortlessly request a Team to be created, identify when and where it will be stored. Define members, channels, finalisation date and more.

Inform Team members

Keep team members informed of when a Team will be archived and any changes to the schedule.

Surface valuable information

Provide users with a complete information picture by surfacing content held within your information management system.

Featured Resources

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We can now use Teams without having to think about what’s happening in the background. We know things are being saved. We’re not going to lose any information.

Fiona Eardley

Corporate Records Manager at NatureScot

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On-demand webinar

Objective Gov365 for Objective ECM

Learn how Objective GOV365 provides frictionless governance between Microsoft Teams and Objective ECM

Watch Webinar
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5 ways to enhance Microsoft 365 with sustained information and process governance

Balance collaboration and information governance with Objective and Microsoft 365.

Download Infographic
OBJ GOV365 H White

Frictionless collaboration with enhanced governance

Confidently embrace Microsoft Teams with the knowledge that information and context is captured as a corporate record.

Get started