Building a Strong Foundation for Effective Information Governance

Optimising processes, reducing costs, and driving transparency and accountability

In today’s fast-paced digital landscape, public sector organisations face the monumental task of managing vast amounts of information. This responsibility is crucial, not only for operational efficiency but also for compliance with regulatory standards. One key player in this arena is the National Archives of Australia (NAA) Check-up tool, an essential instrument for measuring how effectively Australian Government agencies handle their information assets.

This blog post explores the importance of information governance tools and their impact on improving organisational maturity. We'll provide insights into common challenges and offer practical solutions for enhancing your agency’s information management strategy.

Understanding the NAA Check-up Tool

The NAA Check-up tool serves as an invaluable resource for government agencies in assessing their information management capabilities. Conducted annually, this online self-assessment tool measures the maturity and performance of agencies in handling information assets. What makes it particularly significant is that completing the Check-up is mandatory for all Australian Government agencies.

 Most Australian states offer similar maturity self-assessments, though these are not compulsory. By leveraging these tools, organisations can gain a clearer understanding of how well they manage valuable information. This insight is crucial in developing strategies to maximise the use of information governance tools, directly impacting the maturity of the organisation.

Information Governance's Role in Improving Maturity

Maximising the use of information governance tools can significantly enhance your organisation's maturity. These tools ensure appropriate management of information assets throughout their lifecycle. From creation and retention to archiving and disposal, having a robust governance framework ensures that these processes are streamlined and efficient.

Implementing such measures not only boosts operational efficiency but also helps maintain compliance with regulatory standards. This is crucial for public sector organisations where handling sensitive information is part of their daily operations. By adopting comprehensive information governance practices, agencies can avoid costly penalties and public scrutiny.

Addressing Key Deficiencies in Information Management

Despite advancements in digital information capture, the 2022 Check-up tool highlighted several areas of deficiency across the board. These deficiencies, if left unaddressed, can hinder an organisation's overall performance and compliance efforts and compromise agencies’ ability to provide services to the Australian public Let's explore three key areas that require attention:

  • Metadata Capture

Metadata plays a crucial role in providing context to information. Without proper metadata capture, data can become meaningless, losing its value and relevance. To address this, agencies should focus on capturing comprehensive metadata during the information capture process. This includes details such as title, author, date created, and relevant keywords.

  • Uncontrolled Systems and Platforms

Another common issue is the storage of information in uncontrolled systems or platforms such as Network Drives, collaboration tools and line of business systems. While these platforms offer convenience, they can lead to information silos and pose security risks. Organisations must establish clear guidelines for how information is managed, no matter its location.

  • Appropriate Sentencing

Ensuring information is appropriately sentenced is crucial for compliance and efficiency. Sentencing involves categorising data and determining its retention period based on legal, regulatory, and operational requirements. Agencies should develop and implement a comprehensive sentencing strategy to ensure information is disposed of when no longer needed, reducing storage costs and mitigating potential risks.

The Need for a Robust Platform and Framework

To address these challenges effectively, organisations must invest in a robust platform that supports their information governance efforts and requirements. A well-designed platform provides the necessary infrastructure for managing information assets, no matter where they reside, while a clear framework offers guidance on best practices and compliance requirements.

By integrating these elements, agencies can streamline information management processes, reduce risks, and enhance overall efficiency. It's essential to involve stakeholders from various departments to ensure the framework aligns with the organisation's goals.

The Role of Guiding Principles in Information Governance

Guiding principles serve as a compass for organisations, directing their information governance efforts. These principles outline the values and practices that underpin effective information management. They help establish a culture of accountability, transparency, and compliance within the organisation.

Developing clear guiding principles involves collaboration between key stakeholders, including IT, information management, legal, and compliance teams. By aligning principles with organisational goals, agencies can create a robust governance framework that promotes consistency and continuity in information management practices.

Seeking Expert Help for Information Governance

While implementing information governance measures can be challenging, organisations need not face these challenges alone. For over 30 years, our team at Objective have been providing information governance solutions to public sector organisations, helping them improve efficiency, compliance, and security. Our team of experts works closely with agencies to understand their specific requirements and deliver customised solutions that drive results.

By ensuring the effective management of information assets, agencies can optimise processes, reduce costs, and drive transparency and accountability

The Impact of Information Governance on Organisational Performance

Implementing robust information governance practices can have a profound impact on an organisation's performance. By ensuring the effective management of information assets, agencies can optimise processes, reduce costs, and drive transparency and accountability.

Information governance also enhances decision-making by providing timely and accurate data. This enables organisations to make informed decisions that align with their strategic goals and ensure they are meeting customer expectations. Ultimately, a robust governance framework positions agencies for success in an increasingly digital world.


In conclusion, mastering information governance is crucial for public sector organisations looking to thrive in a digital age. By leveraging tools like the NAA Check-up tool, addressing key deficiencies, and implementing robust frameworks, agencies can enhance their information management efforts.

The benefits of effective information governance extend beyond compliance, impacting organisational efficiency, decision-making, and transparency. By fostering a culture of compliance and accountability, organisations can position themselves for success in an increasingly complex landscape.

If you're ready to take your information governance efforts to the next level, consider partnering with experienced providers who can offer tailored solutions to meet your unique needs. With over 30 years of experience, Objective is here to help you achieve your information governance goals.

Explore our range of services and start your information governance journey today.