Introducing our new Projects tab

Easily view your consents and their related applications, from one page.

In our latest update to Objective Build Applicants, your applications and consents are now grouped together, under one new Projects page.

Previously, you could view your applications and consents separately using these two tabs. We’ve now created a Projects tab, which displays these together on one page, grouping consents with their related applications, such as amendments or applications for certificates.

Click the expand icon to the righthand side of the consent to display the related applications. The list of grouped applications is collapsed by default.

The Projects page contains two lists: All and Archived. The All list opens by default and it contains all your applications, irrespective of the stage they have reached.

When you filter the list, the grouping is retained only when the filter criteria apply only to consents. Other filters and all searching removes grouping to show only matching applications. Clearing the search or filter reverts the list to use grouping.

If you have any questions or feedback, get in touch with us at