Objective Build Processing - RFI Updates

Our latest changes to RFIs are designed to improve the process, for both applicants and processers.

We've made changes to how RFIs are managed in Objective Build Processing. These latest updates were made using feedback from IANZ audits around clock usage, and aim to simplify the RFI process for everyone involved.

A brief look at the updates we've made:

  • Moving away from the traditional letter format for RFI requests, RFI will now be grouped and presented in rounds, with each round representing a group of questions. RFI letters will still be generated and presented to customers for record keeping, but will no longer be the primary form of presenting RFI.
  • Responses to RFI questions will now be represented by a 1-1 relationship, for clear auditability and to show the progression of the RFI question across multiple rounds, including decisions.
  • Decisions have also been updated, with 3 available; resolved, not resolved, and incomplete. Not resolved indicates that the response was inadequate to make a decision, while incomplete is when a response is unrelated to the question or uploaded incorrectly.
  • Additionally, RFI round status now has four possible states; draft, not responded, not processed, and processed.
  • Our new RFI functionality also represents a major system change in how we handle the statutory clock. Where only one RFI round is active, the response submission of the RFI round will trigger the starting of the statutory clock automatically the following business day, in line with the MBIE's guidance.

Check out our above video for an in-depth demo of these changes. We also have written documentation and guidance available - to receive a copy, reach out to your Account Manager.

If you have any questions or feedback, get in touch with us at Build.Support@Objective.com