Planning and Consultation

Statutory Planning Solution

An end-to-end solution designed to research, draft, consult and publish statutory planning documents.

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Save time and simplify your Statutory Planning Process

Objective Keyplan is a comprehensive system that processes offline and digital submissions and facilitates the drafting, publishing and consulting of plans and policies in an end-to-end solution.

Centralising everything in one place to automate and streamline the management of consultation and planning policies.

One tool to process all submissions

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One tool to process all submissions

Manage and process submissions efficiently.

Digitise offline submissions in seconds

Eliminate the time-consuming task of data entry, copying and pasting from letters and PDFs. Within seconds Objective Keyplan's Submission Management portal can convert and sort all offline submissions allowing you to easily process all responses.

Reduce the burden of manual processing

With all submissions in one place, you can save time and reduce the administrative burden of analysing and sorting. Automatically see Consultee Information, including Consultee Name, Responded Consultation Points, Date, and Status. Say goodbye to wrangling with multiple Excel files and documents.

Gain efficiencies with Keyword Tagging

Keyword Tagging allows you to label different topics or subjects to a direct submission e.g Environmental Plans - and easily filter and search everything related to that Tag. Drill down to an individual Consultee level to provide granular detail making it easy to manage submissions in volume.

Leverage the Power of AI

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Leverage the Power of AI

AI provides advanced capabilities to manage your consultation.

Gain efficiencies with your Formal Consultation

Within Objective Keyplan AI analyses your submission and auto-generates a summary, enabling you to respond to submissions, officer notes, neighbouring boroughs, and associations more efficiently, at scale. Notes and comments can be shared with your team through the system.

AI Sentiment Analysis

AI evaluates responses for sentiment (positive, negative, neutral) empowering you to make informed decisions quickly. AI can Auto-Tag suggesting Keywords or Subjects in each response for easy analyses or you can apply Custom Tags which can be personalised for each consultation.

Built-in Redaction Tool

Easily redact sensitive information from submissions, keeping originals intact. Choose between reporting with redacted or original versions. Upload redacted files for secure management of personal information, streamlining response acceptance and ensuring accurate reporting.

Enhanced reporting functionality

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Enhanced reporting functionality

At a glance, easily track and report on your consultation.

Streamline status updates

Tracking and managing comments, especially in large-scale consultations, can be challenging. Central Governments agencies can easily track the progress of each submission, filter by question or part of the document, ensuring that all feedback is reviewed and considered. Gain a holistic view of your consultation with real-time reports and dashboards.

Effective workload management

Objective Keyplan offers built-in tools that allow for efficient workload management by providing insights into the team's workload. Easily track and assign submissions to ensure all feedback is accounted for.

Demonstrate tracked changes

The proposed change functionality simplifies the process of producing a schedule of minor or major changes. Demonstrate the changes made to a plan based on public consultation by sending an annotated "tracked changes" version.

Audit-proof your processes

Generate a record of everything that has happened from evidence gathering, consultation and drafting the plan through to the final plan and policies. Present information easily showing the chain of evidence throughout your statutory planning process.

Instant Publish

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Instant Publish

Meet all your branding and statutory requirements.

On-brand content, instant publish

Dramatically reduce production timelines. Eliminate the design and typesetting stage, free subject matter experts from formatting content, maintain control of your master content. Create high-quality print-ready, digital PDFs and HTML outputs.

Publish in multiple languages

Objective Keyplan supports multiple languages. With one click, your plans and policies are published in multiple languages including Te Reo Māori with macrons, to meet the needs of your stakeholders.

Demonstrate evidence with the Submission Book

With governance built-in generate a record of everything that has happened from evidence gathering, consultation and drafting the plan through to the final plan and policies.

This product includes existing user experience functionalities and behaviours. Evolved user interface will be available in the future.

Enhance collaboration between your authority and stakeholders

Support all stakeholders throughout the statutory planning process

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Benefits for Stakeholders

Enhanced multi-channel engagement, supporting wider participation

Better experience via more interactive and dynamic documents

Improved decision-making transparency and feedback

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Benefits for Teams

Reduced overhead for producing and updating documents

Accelerated collection, review and feedback of stakeholder responses

More reliable and feature-rich co-authoring of documents

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Benefits for Government Agencies

More consistent and collaborative statutory planning

Compliant and efficient engagement processes

Single system to handle the entire statutory planning process

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Gather evidence, draft, consult and publish

Transform your planning policy process with automation technology.

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Unlimited Co-Authors

Allow contributors inside and outside your authority to co-author your planning documents.

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Extensive Consultation Points

Embed consultation feedback points to individual paragraphs, maps, images and video content.

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Enable inclusivity

Leading edge technology to handle all sources of submissions held on any platform both manual and digital.

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Multi-Channel Publishing

Publish print-ready PDF, HTML or directly to the Keyplan engagement portal.

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Consultee / Stakeholder Database

Securely collect, store and manage records of all current, pending and historical consultations. Search and access records with ease.

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Instant Reports

Generate a record ready for the Planning Inspector or Reporter to review.

You're in good company

Trusted by over 100 public sector customers globally to support their statutory planning

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Logo peak district national park authority
Logo greater manchester combined authority
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Browse our latest news, content and customer stories

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Product Brief

Objective Keyplan - Central Government

Statutory Planning Management software specifically designed for Central Government Agencies.

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Transforming Planning with AI: A New Era of Efficiency

Read the blog to see how Objective Keyplan uses game-changing technology to transform the planning process.

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Security Position

Objective Keyplan Security

Discover how Objective Keyplan addresses each of the core tenets of information security; Confidentiality, Integrity and Availability.

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Save time and simplify your Statutory Planning Process

Automate and streamline the management of consultation and planning policies. Get in touch with us and discover the future of digital planning.

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